"An injury is not just a process of recovery, it's a process of discovery."
- Connor McGregor

Setbacks and injury are hard things to encounter during training and competition. It causes you to slow down or delay progress. On the other hand, injury and setbacks are opportunities to stop, reflect, and even reinvent yourself.
Here are tips to help you get stronger and reinvent yourself when faced with a setback or injury: a. Accept It, Don’t Regret It The hardest thing about injuries is the down time. You are forced to slow down and reflect. Reflect by getting all the “what if’s” out of your system. Then, define, feel, and embrace the emotions. Don’t dwell on it, however take time to label it so you can move on. b. Educate Myth bust your injury / setback by getting all the facts. Learn the ins and outs via the internet, and talk to your doctor, physical therapist, and mental skills coach. Talk to other athletes that have suffered your injury as well. Learn from them and understand how far to push and when to rest. c. Embrace The Pain, Embrace The Suck Recovery is a painful process both mentally and physically. It’s about pushing yourself through pain and having the patience to recover and rest. Embrace the suck to allow yourself to change and refine your habits.
d. Trust Your Support Team Family, doctors, physical therapist, mental skills coach, coaches, teammates, and friends. Communicate and take advantage of your support network. The last thing you want to do, is do it alone. e. Self Identity Just because you physically aren’t able to perform doesn’t mean you can't contribute. Stay involved and be supportive of the team, and volunteer to coach a younger team. Also, dive into new interests that you’ve always been curious about, or dedicate more time to something else you’ve let fall to the wayside. f. Train Stay on top of your game. Be creative with the physical, technical, tactical, and mental aspects of your game. And, train with guidance from your support team. Lastly, use imagery by picturing yourself playing strong and confident, performing with improved technique, and seeing the game you love from a broader lens. g. Gratitude Be thankful for your supports, your successes, and who you are as an athlete. Start and end each day with personal gratitude. h. The New You When you are given the green light to play, understand that you aren’t returning and picking up where to left off. This is the new you, the improved you. So keep moving forward and create a new chapter because life is to be lived now, not in the past. #recoverfrominjury #bestrong #embracechange #embracethesuck #embracethepain #educateyourself #sportparent #mythbusters #learn #comfortablewithuncomfortable #strength #courage #confidence #trustyoursupportsystem #trustyoursupportteam #communication #bepresent #stayinvolved #train #training #gratitude #mentalstrength #physicalstrength #newchapter #newbeginnings