"Winning is not a sometime thing; It's an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them all the time. Winning is a habit." - Vince Lombardi

This famous Lombardi quote is a reminder that success is a habit, and success is a state of mind.
It’s easy to get stuck critiquing what we can’t do and what limits us. This type of self talk is also a habit.
It takes effort, repetition, and motivation to be willing to get uncomfortable if we want to challenge ourselves to improve.
Level Up Challenge: pick a skill to work on for a week, be it physical, technical, tactical, or mental.
a. Break it down and list all the small details that you need in order to perform that skill, be it chip shots to the green (in golf), 1v1s to shots on goal (in soccer), or managing pre game jitters and lack of confidence before competition.
b. From your list, identify the little things you need to improve and the things you already do well.
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses help you focus on what you are good at and what you need to work on. It’s at the foundation for goal setting and confidence building.
c. Now, think of this week like obtaining a level up in a video game. Practice the small skill till it starts to feel comfortable, and remember to focus on the little details that help you to perform that skill the right way.
Putting in the quality time and repetition allows you to obtain that video game like level up.
d. Acquiring a new skill may go unnoticed by coaches and teammates, so remember to highlight and celebrate your successes.
Then, figure out what you need to continue to work on next week to obtain that next video game like level up!
Have fun with your LEVEL UP challenge! In doing so, you will start to learn how to practice smarter rather than just practicing harder.