"Hit the shot you know you can hit, not the one you think you should hit."
- Bob Rotella

I think this is idea stands true in most sports.
Do the things that you are confident and competent doing.
Competition is the time to apply things you have practiced.
When you can do this, it’s easier to celebrate your successes and continue to improve on your weaknesses.

"You can't always control the circumstances - only how you react to those circumstances; you can always control your effort and attitude."
- Jenny Finch
Being prepared means you’ve practiced for every situation be it good or bad, graceful or ugly, or as planned or unexpected.
To know how much effort is your best, you have to be willing to go out everyday and push yourself to play hard.
Lastly, attitude is important.
Performing with a mindset on learning, effort, and having fun is what helps to keep you motivated!

"Fight and push harder for what you believe in, you'd be surprised, you are much stronger than you think."
- Lady Gaga
If you are passionate about something.
Stoke that fire and make your passion burn bright.
If you believe in your passion with relentless belief and desire, you are being your authentic self.
Dare to be you!
Dare to be great!

"I breathe in strength. I breathe out weakness."
- Amy Hastings
Mantras and affirmations are good things to have in your mental tool box. They are forms of motivational self talk.
Mantras and affirmations help to boost confidence, psyche you up, and keep you focused during competition.
Define your mantra or affirmation, test it out in practice, and make it part of your competitive routine!