Feedback from athletes, coaches, and parents of athletes .
I was truly blessed to have gotten the opportunity to work with Jimmy. He helped me get out of the slump I was in. We went over various methods to help me relax and realize that wrestling doesn’t control my life as I once thought it did. He showed me there is life outside of wrestling and in order to excel and accomplish my goals, I needed to relax, have fun, and reward myself. He has helped me outside of my sport as well, and he continues to help me today even though we are several states away.
College Wrestler
We are back from a national tournament. You would be incredibly proud of her! Two of her victories were in sudden death overtime. She was calm, determined, and resilient the whole competition! Most of all, I got to see a smile on her face! She was enjoying the process. She is a different girl out there.
Thank you!
Mother of an AAU Taekwondo National Team Member
Our team valued the work we did with Jimmy this season. He is versatile and has a great demeanor as he leads our athletes through important conversations and explorations. The psychological edge is critical to developing successful and happy students and athletes. I look forward to his work with our team next season!"
NCAA Head Coach, Swimming
Every athlete and team should take advantage of working with a sport psychologist! Jimmy has done a great job of working with our team and with our coaches!
Professional Ski and Snowboard Coach
Jimmy, our work with relaxation techniques have helped to keep me calm and focused in-between events at competition.
High School Gymnast
Jimmy, our sessions have helped me to recognize that mistakes are not the end of the world. To improve my game, I have to be willing to challenge myself by practicing things that are uncomfortable and risk making mistakes. While this was hard at first, it has made practice and games challenging (in a good way) and fun!
Middle School Lacrosse Player

Jimmy has been a huge resource to our student-athletes. For the past three years, Jimmy has worked with our student-athletes on leadership and team development. We have enjoyed the energy and commitment he brings to our class, as well as his passion for teaching and motivating student-athletes.
Athletic Director, High School

Jimmy, thanks for helping me to recognize how my self-talk was bringing down my attitude and ability to compete. I now feel confident about each shot I take and I know I have what it takes to compete with the best!
High School Golfer

“Jimmy Yoo has helped shape our volleyball team’s mental toughness throughly. His ability to listen, comfort our players and share useful techniques has enhanced our team’s compatibility as friends and teammates. He has challenged our comfort zone and pushed us to stretch our “mental muscles.” We are forever grateful for the help that Jimmy has provided us and we will continue to seek his guidance and support!”
NCAA Head Coach, Volleyball

Jimmy, when I first came to you, I realized that I was completely burnt out. You helped me to re-energize and rekindle my competitive fire. Training and comps are fun again!
– Professional Freestyle Skier
Professional Freestyle Skier

I really like the work you did with our volleyball team the past three seasons! Your leadership assessments and activities were extremely helpful for learning about myself as well as my teammates, and in finding ways to work together. It really helped us to understand each other's strengths and weaknesses and to remember that each member of our team serves a purpose and it is important.
I liked your teambuilding activities as well because it gave our team opportunities to talk to each other and the coaches in a safe way, with your guidance. It allowed us to acknowledge the things that everyone did well, as well as areas that they could improve.
Lastly, I liked your talk on fight or flight and how it is seen in athletics. I think you are a great facilitator and I have learned a lot from you about leadership, communication, managing emotions, and conflict management and resolution.
NCAA Volleyball Player

Hi Jimmy! Thank you for all of your help! I use to be so emotional before and during match play. Now that I take more time to focus on things in my control, my emotions are more in check!
High School Tennis Player

We had a lot of excitement at my son’s last national tournament!
He was able to fence patiently and confidently in the pools. There were quite a few “A” rated fencers in his pool and he managed to beat them all.
All the bouts were close but each time he managed to come back from behind and then win the tie! Thanks again for all the work you have put in with our son!
Parent of a Competitive High School Fencer

Jimmy, I just wanted to let you know that my daughter placed 1st and 2nd in her events at State. It was a really exciting meet! She was determined and swam hard! Most of all, our little girl was smiling and just having fun! Thank you!
Parent of a High School Swimmer

Jimmy, I appreciate your time and energy! You have made me realize that when I go into the ring to fight, I represent more than just me, I represent all the people that helped me train, keep me healthy, and prepare for my opponent. When I focus on my team, I feel a sense of pride that fuels me to fight with confidence and determination.
Professional MMA Fighter and Coach

Jimmy, until my daughter starting working with you, she did not realize how her early commitment to a D-I college program had caused her to add more stress and expectation to perform. With your help, she has come to realize the importance of focusing on "What's Important Now." As a result, she is playing each game and each practice by just focusing on the moment, celebrating her successes, and learning from her mistakes. She is happy again and I her competitive fire has returned!
Parent of a high school lacrosse player
As a high performance coach, I’m passionate about helping others perform at their best. I work hard on developing a personal, open and transparent relationship with my clients, and what they say about my services is incredibly important to me. Read the testimonials below to get an idea of the experiences that past clients have had with my services, and get in touch with me today.
Jimmy, learning to control my emotions before and during competition has been extremely helpful!
NCAA Female College Golfer
I really like your leadership building exercise and have found it to be extremely helpful for learning about myself as well as my teammates and finding ways to work together. It helps to understand each other's strengths and weaknesses and to remember that each member of a group or team serves a purpose and is important. I also like hot seat because it gives people the opportunity to talk to their teammates or coach in a safe way with your guidance and acknowledge the things that they do well as well as areas that they could improve. I also liked your talk on fight or flight and how that is seen in athletics. I think you are a great facilitator and I have learned a lot from you about conflict management and resolution.
NCAA Female Volleyball Player
Jimmy, I really appreciate all the time spent working with you. Our work with performance routines has really helped me to feel more focused for competitions!
Competitive Velodrome Cyclist
Jimmy, thank you for working with our son and taking the time to work with us as well. Giving our son time to process his performance before we talk about it has really made a difference!
Parent of a youth basketball and tennis player
Jimmy, I was really scared to get back on my bike after I had a bad crash! Our work together has helped me to trust the process and to learn to have patience on the road to recovery and competing again.
Competitive Cyclist
Jimmy, Thank you! In the time I have spent working with you, you have helped me to balance my emotions on the court and at my job! As a result, I am playing better tennis and I am not getting frustrated at work.
Masters Level Tennis Player
Jimmy, our talk on munchable chunks, or focusing on the little things really resonated with me. It helped me identify those little things that distract me and the little things that help me to focus on the task at hand, be it sports or academics!
Competitive High School Figure Skater
Jimmy, our work on self-talk was extremely helpful! It made me realize how tough I was being on myself and how it affected my attitude and motivation in practice and in games.
NCAA Female Softball Player
Jimmy, thank you for insight. I struggled with my confidence as a pitcher. You helped me to see the importance of visualizing the things that are important in the moment and why I love this game so much.
NCAA Male Baseball Player
Jimmy, Thank you, thank you! Our sessions have taught me the importance of goal setting and remembering to celebrate my successes!
Professional Slope Style Skier
Jimmy, I appreciate the conversations we had! You have helped me to recognize that to be a leader on my team, I need to define my role as a leader, be supportive of others, and find joy in the little things at practice and in games!
NCAA Male Lacrosse Player
Jimmy, thank you for helping me to focus on the things I can control rather than focusing on things like falling and getting hurt.
NCAA Female Gymnast
Jimmy, I have enjoyed working with you! You have helped me to recognize the importance of being present when I ride and to not let work or other thoughts distract me from riding and performing .
Competitive Horseback Rider
Hey Jimmy, I loved our sessions on visualization! You really helped me to recognized how visualizing before I have to perform helps me to stay focused, calm, and ready!
Competitive Horseback Rider
Jimmy thanks for working with me! You helped me understand the importance of thinking about things I can control in a game rather than focusing on things I can’t!
NCAA Male Basketball Player
Jimmy, I really like our sessions on visualization and focus. I had a string of bad starts that were affecting my confidence. Our work together helped me get back my competitive edge.
Professional Motocross Racer
I first came to see Jimmy to improve at poker. I ended up using our sessions to help me become a better manager at work and to find a balance in my life. Thanks for your help!
Restaurant General Manager and Competitive Poker Player
Jimmy, thank you for helping me to successfully defend my title at my last competition! You helped me get back to what makes these events fun!
Competitive Eater
Sport psychology is an educational process that uses scientific research, philosophy, and techniques to help athletes and high achievers learn to perform at their best. It is not a magic pill that just makes you better. As an athlete, you can’t look for the quick fix.
Jimmy applies his knowledge of sport psychology and practical experiences to help athletes and high achievers develop and practice new skills so that they can make positive changes, move toward their potential, and have fun.

Dedicated athletes spend countless hours physically preparing for competition. However, seldom do they set aside the necessary time to mentally prepare.
Jimmy is here to help you create a balance between mind and body so that you can achieve consistency and develop mastery.
Individual sessions help athletes and high achievers reduce stress by having a confidential place to process challenges.

“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” – Babe Ruth
Jimmy works with teams to help them identify strengths that individuals bring to the team and how they can become better leaders.
Jimmy also helps teams improve their culture to build stronger team cohesion.
Favorite part of working with a team: During team building exercises it is great to see athletes communicating in a positive and constructive manner. If a team has really built a strong sense of trust, you can see that athletes understand their role on the team and leaders emerge from the group.

Mindset and Performance Coaching for Athletes and High Achievers
Offices of Inspire PT, 14780 SW Osprey Dr. #270, Beaverton, OR 97007